Important MCQs of (OS) operating system

Primary function of operating system is?
A) Running applications
B) Managing hardware resources
C) Editing documents
D) Playing games
Answer: B

2.Which component of an operating system manages the allocation of CPU time to different processes?
A) Kernel
B) Scheduler
C) File system
D) Memory manager
Answer: B

3.Window Operating system commonly used which of the following file?
A) ext4
D) FAT32
Answer: B

4.What is the purpose of virtual memory in an operating system?
A) It allows multiple users to log in simultaneously.
B) It provides additional physical RAM.
C) It enables memory protection and process isolation.
D) It creates virtual machines for running applications.
Answer: C

5.In OS context process is?
A) A running application
B) A file on the hard drive
C) A hardware component
D) A user account
Answer: A

6.To minimize the waiting process which of the following Algo is used?
A) Round Robin
B) First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
C) Shortest Job Next (SJN)
D) Priority Scheduling
Answer: C

7.Which command is used in Unix/Linux to display the current directory?
A) cd
B) dir
C) pwd
D) ls
Answer: C

8.What is the main purpose of the shell in Unix/Linux?
A) Managing hardware resources
B) Creating and deleting files
C) Providing a user interface to the kernel
D) Running graphical applications
Answer: C

9.Which type of file system is commonly used in Linux distributions?
B) FAT32
C) ext4
Answer: C

10.What is a deadlock in operating systems?
A) A process that has terminated
B) A situation where two or more processes are unable to proceed
C) A high-priority process
D) A process with low CPU utilization
Answer: B

11.Which memory management technique allows processes to be loaded and executed from different physical locations in memory?
A) Contiguous memory allocation
B) Paging
C) Fragmentation
D) Segmentation
Answer: D

12.Which operating system is known for its real-time capabilities and is commonly used in embedded systems?
A) Windows
B) Linux
C) macOS
Answer: D

13.Which command is used to list all running processes in Unix/Linux?
A) ps
B) ls
C) top
D) grep
Answer: A

14.In computer system the role of BIOS?
A) Managing processes
B) Providing user interfaces
C) Initializing hardware components
D) Handling file operations
Answer: C

15.The following is not a file system?
A) FAT32
C) Ethernet
D) ext4
Answer: C

16.What is a page fault in virtual memory management?
A) A software bug
B) A hardware failure
C) A request to load data from disk into RAM
D) A process crash
Answer: C

17.In the context of memory management, what is thrashing?
A) A high-priority process
B) A situation where too many page faults occur, and the system spends more time swapping pages than executing processes
C) A process that has terminated
D) A low-priority process
Answer: B

18.Which of the following is not an example of a user-level thread library?
A) Pthreads
B) Win32 Threads
C) Java Threads
D) Kernel Threads
Answer: D

19.What is a semaphore used for in operating systems?
A) Counting the number of processes
B) Synchronizing access to shared resources
C) Allocating memory to processes
D) Creating virtual machines
Answer: B

20.What is the main purpose of the I/O scheduler in an operating system?
A) Managing CPU scheduling
B) Managing memory allocation
C) Managing disk I/O operations
D) Managing network connections
Answer: C

21.Which of the following is not an example of a mobile operating system?
A) Android
B) iOS
C) Windows 10
D) HarmonyOS
Answer: C

22.What is the role of a file allocation table (FAT) in FAT file systems?
A) Managing disk fragmentation
B) Storing file metadata
C) Keeping track of file and directory locations
D) Managing user accounts
Answer: C

23.Process control block in os is?
A) A type of file system
B) A data structure that contains information about a running process
C) A hardware component
D) A command-line utility
Answer: B

24.Which of the following is not a common component of an operating system’s user interface?
A) Taskbar
B) Desktop
C) Kernel
D) Start Menu
Answer: C

25.Which scheduling algorithm is designed to give each process an equal share of CPU time?
A) Round Robin
B) First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
C) Shortest Job Next (SJN)
D) Priority Scheduling
Answer: A

26.What is the purpose of the fork() system call in Unix/Linux?
A) To create a new process
B) To terminate a process
C) To allocate memory
D) To rename a file
Answer: A

27.The following is not type of OS?
A) Real-time operating system (RTOS)
B) Network operating system (NOS)
C) Web browser
D) Batch processing operating system
Answer: C

28.What is the main advantage of using a multi-threaded application?
A) Improved security
B) Lower memory consumption
C) Better parallelism and responsiveness
D) Faster boot times
Answer: C

29.Which command is used to change the permissions of a file in Unix/Linux?
A) chmod
B) chown
C) rm
D) ls
Answer: A

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